Sending employees to France

Various laws (Loi Macron in August 2015 and Loi Travail in August 2016) and their related legal regulations in recent months substantially restricted the regulations in force in the area of sending employees to France. Among other things, they should curb illegal labour and dumping wages. The term “sending” is however time broad and in…

Production models

Manufacturing activities in a group can be organized in different forms. In general, we distinguish four basic models, namely: a full-fledged producer, a manufacturer with limited powers, a contracted manufacturer, and wage labor. A full-fledged manufacturer carries out all manufacturing activities, from the design of the product to the final sale to the customer. This…

BDR pomáha – Podporili sme podujatie

(Slovenčina) I tento rok sme podporili kultúrne podujatie ,,Festival Osmidiv“ usporiadané ôsmym rokom pre deti a osoby s mentálnym postihnutých v Banskej Štiavnici.

Hendikepované deti sa aj vďaka našej pomoc mohli naučiť nové zručnosti na workšopoch ako exotické tance ZUMBA, enkaustiku – maľovanie horúcim voskom, výrobu šperkov, prácu s drôtom, prútikárstvo a maľovanie na tvár. Teší nás, že sa tieto deti bavili a my sme takto nepriamo mohli podielať na ich radosti.