Electronic mailboxes now required for legal entities

Starting on 1 August 2016, Act 305/2013 Coll. on e-government requires all legal entities to have electronic mailboxes created on www.slovensko.sk automatically activated for delivery. Activating an electronic mailbox enables public authorities to use it for electronic transmission. The entire process for a legal entity to activate an electronic mailbox has been gradual and there…

Comparability analysis and its importance in transfer pricing

The essence of transfer pricing is the pricing of goods, services, capital and so on in related party transactions within multinational enterprises to meet the conditions for an independent business relationship or to comply with the so-called “arm’s length principle”. Anyone engaged in financial or business transactions with entities personally, economically or otherwise connected to…


Mentálne postihnuté deti a pacienti, ktoré  nemajú možnosť počas roka sa zúčastniť hudobných koncertov a podujatí, Bol preto priamo pre nich usporiadaný benefičný koncert, na ktorom aj deti samé aktívne vystúpili so svojím programom. Tešíme sa, že sme mohli aspoň trochu prispieť k výbornej nálade a pocitom, ktoré si tieto deti z tejto akcie odniesli. V budúcnosti určite takýto projekt…