On December 1, 2022, the government approved significant aid for entrepreneurs concerning the ever-increasing energy prices. The state capped electricity prices at EUR 199 per MW/h and gas prices at EUR 99 per MW/h. Entrepreneurs (fulfilling the specifed conditions) will be reimbursed up to 80 % of the amount above the established threshold for August and September 2022. According to the government, this step should stabilize the business sector and help our entire economy.
Applications can only be submitted electronically via the form on the www.energodotacie.mhsr.sk website while the minimum subsidy´s amount is EUR 50, in the case of a lower amount, the application will be rejected. The maximum subsidy´s amount is EUR 500.000 if the following condition is fulfilled – the total aid at any moment does not exceed the amount of EUR 500.000 per economic entity (interconnected entities). Applicants can find instructions for filling out the application on the website. The deadline for submitting an application is December 22, 2022.
Conditions that the authorized recipient of compensation for energy has to fullfil:
- bankruptcy proceedings are not being conducted against the entity, it is not in bankruptcy or restructuring process and the petition for declaration of bankruptcy against the entity was not rejected due to lack of assets;
- no refund of aid is claimed against the entity on the basis of a previous Commission´s decision in which this aid was declared unjustified and incompatible with the internal market;
- does not have a legally imposed punishment of prohibition to receive grants or subsidies;
- does not have a legally imposed punishment of prohibition to receive aid and support provided from European Union´s funds;
- is not a company that is subject to the sanctions adopted by the European Union as a result of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine;
- is not a entity or authority specifically mentioned in legal acts which impose the sanctions adopted by the European Union;
- it is not a company owned or controlled by persons, entities or bodies on which the sanctions adopted by the European Union are aimed;
- it is not a company operating in industrial sectors on which the sanctions adopted by the European Union are aimed.
The formula for calculating the amount of the electricity subsidy:
- Subsidy amount = consumption in MWh x (average price for 1 MWh in EUR – 199) x 0.8
The formula for calculating the amount of the gas subsidy:
- Subsidy amount = consumption in MWh x (average price for 1 MWh in EUR – 99) x 0.8